Pink Model School

This school was registered initially by registrar society Rajasthan, Jaipur with the name “PINK MODEL SCHOOL SAMMITI” by Regd. No.-220/78. Dt. 18-10-1978. In year 2003, the name of the institution was changed as “PINK MODEL SCHOOL MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH SOCIETY” on dated 13-11-2003. This school got permanent Recognition for primary level by letter No. D.E.O./BKN/GN/-3/2302/33 Dt.-29-4-81 by D.E.O. After that the school got middle level Recognition by competent authority (D.E.O.) by latter No.-D.E.O./BKN/GN-3 Recog./83-84. Dated 28-11-83. This school was promoted on secondary level in 1985. After this in 1988, It was promoted higher and senior secondary school with Science and Commerce faculty.


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