About to Pink Model School

This school was registered initially by registrar society Rajasthan, Jaipur with the name “PINK MODEL SCHOOL SAMMITI” by Regd. No.-220/78. Dt. 18-10-1978. In year 2003, the name of the institution was changed as “PINK MODEL SCHOOL MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH SOCIETY” on dated 13-11-2003. This school got permanent Recognition for primary level by letter No. D.E.O./BKN/GN/-3/2302/33 Dt.-29-4-81 by D.E.O. After that the school got middle level Recognition by competent authority (D.E.O.) by latter No.-D.E.O./BKN/GN-3 Recog./83-84. Dated 28-11-83. This school was promoted on secondary level in 1985. After this in 1988, It was promoted higher and senior secondary school with Science and Commerce faculty. Order Serial No. Raj. Govt. Education/(Group-I department no. F.No. 4(1) Edu./85 Jaipur 20-06-88.

The institution was granted recognition by Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer by letter no. 2813/1427 dated 12/7/1988, as high secondary level. After that the institution got Recognition for senior secondary level by board of secondary education Rajasthan wide letter no. 2813/15128 dated 21-02-2001.



Objectives of the School

The school is recognized by secondary board of Rajasthan. It’s objectives are as follow –


  • To extend education and spreading it.
  • Doing successful efforts to prepare good citizen through discipline.
  • Developing intellectual capacity in psychological way.
  • Dynamic development through sports and physical education.
  • Increasing general knowledge through news papers, magazines and library.
  • Present age is science age having this fact in view, giving opportunity to do experiment in equipped laboratories.
  • Developing national emotional integrity in the students.
  • Developing a student physically, mentally and intellectually.
  • To Shine unseen gems through moral Education and ethical environment.